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Pastor Anand


13 AUG 2017

...Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.... - James 1:2-16 (NIV)

We hard from Pr Anand about the mark of spiritual maturity. A big part of it going through trials and temptations as it helps develop our Godly character as we rely on God admist those trying times. We have to choice on how we want to respond in every situation, whether positively or negatively, and our choices determine the outcome of our character.

When obstacles come our way, we hit a wall and get stuck. The wall tells us that we are not in control. We have a choice to penetrate it, or get stuck there. God wants us to penetrate the wall by letting go the need for control and power. He wants us to let go and let Him take us into an inward journey.



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