Call Of God
Joshua Yee
13 MAR 2022
“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.
1. Serve Out of Love
Before we serve others, we need to allow Jesus to serve us.
Jesus chose to serve us out of His love for us for us. This we need to accept and experience so we too, out of experiencing God’s love for us, will serve others out of that same love God showed to us.
2. Serve Everyone
Jesus washed Judas’ feet. He served Judas despite knowing he would betray Him in the future
Likewise, we should also serve everyone even if they don’t reciprocate our efforts. We are called to serve EVERYONE.
Serving everyone does not stop at having good intentions towards others but also must result in action.
3.Serving is a Blessing and Privilege
When we serve God, we please God. When we please God, it releases His blessing upon our lives.
God does not need our help to fulfill His will on earth but He still extends the invitation to us. He invites us to join Him despite us not deserving it.
So when God calls us to serve Him, it is actually our honour and privilege to be able to partner with God.
4.Serve and Discover God’s Calling
As you serve God faithfully, He will reveal to you His calling for you.
The blessing of serving is that when we stay faithful in serving, God will mold us to be more like Him. And when we become more like Him, we discover our true calling in Him.