Rev. Simon Cheong
4 NOV 2018
You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?- Galatians 5:7 (NIV)
We are called to run well in the race set for us. Re. Simon shared with us on what can we do in order to run well.
1. Start Well
"By adhering to the Rules"
It is important to start, to make the first step
To know God's call, we have to run the right race (not everyone are sprinters/ marathon runners) and know what God has made us and wired us to be.
When God is with us, we can start at the right footing. Don't run in vain.
Be the salt and light, be influential people and influence people. Leadership is influence.
Be equipped with the skills to know and follow the teachings of Christ.
2. Run Well
"By adorning the right attire"
Have fortitude; run with endurance and be single minded.
Stay focused to suceed by fixing our eyes upon Jesus.
Cultivate a steadfast attitude in the midst of life challenges.
3. Finishing well
"By aiming for the goal"
What is your goal in life?
Ask God. God may have other plans that are much more meaningful.
For something to last long, we need to lay the foundations. There is no shortcut to success.
It is important to stay true to our goal of pleasing Christ.