Pr. Anand Kumar
16 May 2021
Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
1. Move forward with the Great Shepherd
Jesus Christ is our Great Shepherd and High Priest who is perfect, flawless and cares for us
We have to move with Jesus, the Great Shepherd
Depend fully on the Great Shepherd who is perfect and has given us a destiny and purpose so we won’t be lost
2. Move forward by being equipped to do His will
The word of God is enough for us to be equipped for good work that comes under His will
What is God’s will? Be like Jesus who came to the world to do God’s will which is the great commission, making disciples.
Do the will of God by making Him known and to know Him
God is enough to qualify and equip you in all things according to God’s will at all times
3. Move forward with Him working in you through what pleases Him
Allow God to work with you
Sin is what hinders us from God working with us and through us
Don’t allow sin to creep in and take us away from His will
YM holds a great destiny and promises from God. Everyone in YM will respond to these blessings and rewards when we stay true to our cause here in YM. With the Great Shepherd, guiding and leading us towards His will and His direction, we ought to follow His calling for YM. As all of us move forward for the kingdom of God in the coming days, we will see His glory through the many people that will be touched, transformed, healed and saved!