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Pastor Anand


14 JAN 2018

...Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun... - Psalms 37:1-9 (NIV)

Righteous people are not perfect. They are simply people who relate rightly to God. They relate rightly to God by seeking to know and obey God. In contrast, wicked people do not relate to God. They reject God and live their own way. Wicked people intentionally disobey God. But sometimes, the wicked seems to have things easier, and we may feel that it's unfair. In light of all these, how should we as children of God respond?

Step 1: Don't fret

  • Don't get worried, because when we dwell so much in our worry, there is only us, no God. Worry is natural, but the best weapon against worry is trusting God.

  • When we trust that God loves us, and works for our good in all things, even in hurtful things, when we trust in God's plan, power and love, then we have nothing to worry about.

  • We cannot control what thoughts enter our mind, but we can control which thoughts we dwell on.

  • So do not worry, instead, let God come into this situation.

Step 2 & 3: Trust in the Lord... and do good.

  • These two steps are inseparable, as they are a lifestyle, and involves action.

  • Real faith includes obedience, and doing the good that God commands.

Step 4: Delight yourself in the Lord

  • If knowing God is not our highest joy & delight, then we do not know God very well. And if we don't know God very well, it's only because we have not invested enough to time in developing our relationship with God.

  • Real faith includes obedience, and doing the good that God commands.

  • Delight in God is asking ourselves the question: What is the priority of God in our life?

  • When we delight in God:

    • The desires of our hearts and in line with God's will, then God can safely give us the desires of our hearts.

    • We desire increased intimacy with God, and God is happy to fulfill our desire, for increased intimacy with Himself.

Step 5: Commit your way to the Lord

  • Commitment is important and requires effort and consistency. Deep satisfying relationships require commitment, not just suiting our own desires, but that of God.

  • Let's change our commitment this year, be more committed in CG, reading the Bible, and anything and everything that reflects Christ.

  • Don't follow what everybody does/ don't follow the world.

  • If we're following God, we need to have commitment, so that we will have a firm stand against the enemy and even if we fall we can get back up because of commitment.

Step 5: Be still

  • Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.

  • When we are still, it means that we trust in the promises of God.

These steps are not a one-time thing. Some days we need to go through these steps several times. Our struggles are necessary - fight on! Our Father has not forgotten us - hang on! Our future is assured - walk on!



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