Jasmine Wuan
My dream:
1. To see 1200 people attend Friday and Saturday CG by the of this year. 100 members under each zone leader.
2. To see all my students believe in Jesus.
3. To see my Por Por come to believe Jesus.
From the speakers:
Bill Johnson:
1. Hunger to read the word.
2. Hunger for more of his presence.
3. Changing the spiritual atmosphere when we carry the presence of God.
Heidi Baker:
1. To choose to be in the presence of God as much as I can.
2. Intimacy for intimacy and everything else comes.
3. If God has spoken, keep acting in faith until it comes to past. Don't give up when you fail.
Lou Engle:
1. To be so hungry and driven and passionate for the dream God put into his heart.
Shawn Bolz:
1. The heart of giving a word is love.
2. To hunger for something so much to as to practice it for as long as I need to in order to get it right.
3. To be okay to make mistakes.
Ed Silvoso:
1. Work is Ministry and labour is worship.
Collectively, stay close to God, be hungry, hear his voice and obey.
1. Fast and pray for CG, hear God's voice and obey. Take risks based on what I have heard.
2. Reach out to my students. Invite them to YM services and events and share the Gospel with them.
3. Reach out to my Por Por.
Damien Chung
My dream
- To see the hunger become a norm in YM, and not just a hype.
- To see the day that YM bursts with anointing, reaching out to the youths of Malaysia and impacting their lives through the love of the Father.
- To be God-centred in everything they do and speak, to edify one another be among families or friends.
- For the youths to claim the promises, destinies, and dreams that God has for them, and to be set apart.
Collective from the speakers
- I’ve learned that love is the foundation of all things, and to reach out to others, you gotta first love them, not just normal love but love them how the Father has love them.
- “We owe people an encounter with God”. This specifically impacted me for the simple reason that we carry the atmosphere around us to everywhere we go. We have to be on our toes in everything we do, mindful of the things we say, and be aware of where we go, because the people around us will just pass us by and if we are not ready or prepared, we miss the chance for them to experience God. When we act in the presence, it awakes the conscience of other people around us.
- “Dreams are invitation to the realm of reality of possibilities”. We shouldn’t take dreams so lightly, instead we should learn to pray down those dreams as they are potential movements.
- Fasting is not just putting aside the desirable things to get closer, but fasting changes us, and “fasting at the right moment inaugurate wars in the heavens.” What Lou said was really good, “In fasting you make your life a landing strip of revelation.”
- Fasting from negativity is actually really powerful.
- We need to partner with God in all things. He doesn’t want none of us, but all of us, It’s not about the destruction of who we are but the enhancement of who we are.
Action plan
- Start being vulnerable to hear from God, and to practice in the word of knowledge.
- To learn to love others like how Jesus loves them, and to see others through the eyes of the Father.
- Set apart myself and to develop a lifestyle of fasting and praying to intercede for the youths of YM, Malaysia, and the world.
- Pray down the dreams that God has prepared.
- Go on a negativity fast.
- To host the presence and change the atmosphere.
- Continue to have the hunger and desire for Him.
Emily Leong
1. Kingdom culture to be the core of YM where we choose to lay down ourselves for one another.
2. Speak and act with genuine love.
3. For us to bring transformation in every position we're placed in.
4. To reach out to the poor, lost and needy in Malaysia.
Collective from speakers
1. Simple acts of kindness release the manifestation of power that shifts the value system of the receiver. It unlocks something in the person to repent and reveals the heart of Christ.
2. Questions coming out of trust leads to revelation but questions coming out of distrust leads to disbelief.
3. To cease moments to fast and pray.
4. Delayed promises build character.
5. Fasting negativity - speak only words of encouragement changes your perspective on the situation.
Rebecca Lee
My dream.
The big picture I wanna see is young people (children/youths) continue to rise up in their authority. Not everyone is owning their destiny and authority in Christ. My heart is for the people to be aware of it n RISE UP to fulfill their call n purpose in this serve their generation. To be awaken to their positions in the high places, then a deep stirring will take place and soon fasting and intercession will also take place for those needs.
- set your face and don't take NO for an answer - battle spiritually
- Gods tapestry-Matt Lockhart and William Fords story
Ed Silvoso:
- understanding strongholds
- illustration on how the shepherd cares for the sheep by anointing the oil
Heidi Baker:
- God uses every situation for His glory - to press on!
- God takes care of His people
- being in tune to the Spirit
Shaun Boltz:
- to desire for more of the gifts
- keep practicing, don't give up
- pay attention to what is revealed and act on it, don't take it lightly
Rachel Moey
For the supernatural to happen in the natural.
For healing to take place supernaturally (not just physical healing but emotional and mental healing as well)
In YM: Members would lay hands, pray for one another and miracles happen, just like how the five loaves and 2 fishes multiplied in the hands of the disciples.
Personally: Change the atmosphere in the hospital or wherever I go. For people around to have an encounter with this Father we know.
His passion inspires. I am very amazed by how he's driven by that one thing --- revival of his nation, for decades! Lou said that every dream is a longing for heaven and it unveils the divine will of God. To pray down these dreams, I have to come to a place where I am totally ready and willing to do it for these dreams to become reality.
Bill challenges me to see God in a different perspective. Instead of seeing what is the 'wrong' in me, I need to be more aware of what He is doing. Never grade myself based on my ability to hear God. Great encounters do not come with shortcut. To communicate with my Father, to have an intimate relationship, quality time is essential. With praying and fasting comes breakthroughs. His illustration of the dove on shoulder was so simple yet powerful. A reminder for me to recognize His present as I co-labour with Him.
I can't, He can, He will. I love Heidi's heart. I adore her childlike faith. I love how she's so full of joy and positivity amidst the troubles. Her identity and security in Christ humiliates the devil and I totally love it. Negativity fast for the win.
Ed is gem. He is clear of His role in the kingdom of God. He knows that God has given us the authority over things on earth and therefore we have the authority to change the spiritual climate of the marketplace. I think he made it very clear how we can change the spiritual climate using Jesus' 4 point strategy. The nose fly story is a constant reminder that I have received the anointing. Never entertain idle thoughts (E.g. Maybe I'm not called). We've all received it, it's time to do.
What I learnt from Shawn is the importance to be clear of the purpose in the things you do. Like for Shawn, he actively practices the gift of words of wisdom because he knows that we owe people an encounter with God. Why? Because it's out of love. We want to connect them to God. God cares about the littlest things. Another thing I've learnt is that it is OKAY to fail. Compare yourself with no one but the Word.
1. Negativity fast: Not just about positive thinking but claiming a promise(a verse) over my life every day and getting myself rooted in the identity I have in Christ.
2. Practice word of knowledge in CG, workplace and during ministry time.
Germain Leong
1. Build a community for single mothers (especially teenagers) in Malaysia and provide them with comfort, financial security and a safe community for them to lean on. To help them find their identity in Christ and see them encompassing God's heart.
2. See supernatural healing take place and be a part of it. To be able to see physical and emotional healing take place in Malaysia.
1. Lou Engle
- To be sensitive to the presence of God. Being sensitive to the presence of God allows us to recognize and know God's heart, which allows us to change the atmosphere and host the presence of God. So that in everything that we do, we release the manifestation of God's glory.
2. Heidi Baker
- Negativity Fasting.
- To be sensitive to the Spirit and discern as to what God is speaking to us.
- Childlike faith. Reflection Question: "Are you able to say yes before understanding why you're saying yes? What if you say yes and everything falls apart? Will you still say yes?"
3. Shawn Bolts
- To move prophetically, we need to get our hearts right, be vulnerable and know our identity in Christ.
- To understand and know God's heart because understanding God's heart leads to revelations. When we do that, we will know that God's heart is for all His people.
- To never harbor bitterness over people who have hurt us and to always focus on their future instead of their present and believing in who they will be in the future.
- To always choose to love because we will never have authority over what we don't love.
- To always see things through the Father's eyes.
1. Negativity Fasting
2. Always be hungry and desperate wanting more from God.
3. Always love despite circumstances.
4. Always remember that God deserves the highest praises.
5. Be more sensitive to the Spirit.
6. Be more bold and courageous in reaching out and praying for people.
7. Find an organization/community that supports single mothers and be involved in it.
Yae Ber
My dream is to Love like Jesus. I dream to be a great momma to my kids (actual and spiritual).I dream that the girls especially, will rise up as daughters knowing their significance in the heart of God, that their inheritance is a legacy of love and not fear, that their confidence in who they are in God will change the whole paradigm of the community they are placed in.I dream to see the strongholds of depression be broken in the lives of young people today. I dream to see my friends and family members come to know Christ as the Lord and Saviour!! I also have a burden for the Orang Asli people group of Malaysia, to see them live for Jesus, to see them rise up to take their rightful places. I dream to place God's Banner on top of the Media Mountain!
Collective from speakers:
1. The power of the Simple Gospel acted out in the foundations of Love.
- If the Gospel looked like anything, it looks like Love. Nobody wants to be a project, you'll only have authority over the people you love.
2. It's the kindness of God that leads to repentance.
- Jesus changed his ministry to every person he met because He knew the secrets to their hearts.
3. The Word of Knowledge is key to Evangelism.
- When we feel the way the Father feels for people, we cannot deny our call to love (evangelise)
4. Discerning Kingdom Perspectives and living out the Kingdom Culture
- To go pass the border of personal offence. If I had stayed offended, I would have missed the point.
- To not withhold honour for the fear of losing the glory for ourselves. We owe people honour because they too are made it the image of God!
5. Prophecy believed creates your future
- God didn't give us dreams for nothing, His dreams are in people and he gave us dreams to think of God-possibilities. A dream is a seed to a potential major movement that changes both the supernatural and the natural. We need to first fight the battle in the spiritual.
1. To Love like Fire.
2. Negativity Fast!
3. Pray down those dreams!
4. Women's Conference - I don't really know what to do about this yet but I'll be interceding!
5. To be actively intentional about asking God for words of knowledge especially for strangers and actually acting it out!
Esther Dorai
My dream is to see the whole of Penang fired up for god. When that happens, Penang will be beacon that's lit up that will spark other places to be on fire as well (like the lotr war call). It's a whole city and it's kinda scary but I believe god has already been moving.
Collective from the speakers:
For me there were 4 things that really struck me.
1. That we don't win the hearts of people to god with words and intelligent talks about god, but it's simply living out love. That's something that no one can deny. I tend to talk to my friends a lot but forget to love.
2. We have the capability of changing the atmosphere when we walk into the room. Bringing the presence of god wherever we go, that's something that really amazed me. And on top of that, living in such a way that we are aware of the Holy Spirit all the time.
3&4. Praying down my dreams, and not dismissing them as just dreams. And then being all for him in fasting and praying to prepare the way for him to move. And also, moving in the prophetics, speaking into people's lives about what god's heart is for them. (This has been so fascinating since and it's amazing how god shows another person how much he cares through prophetics.)
My action plan.
To love others in simple acts of kindness.
Do a negativity fast.
Keep spending time with god and keep praying for the people in Penang.
To always have god in heart and mind wherever I go, in whatever I say.
Gabriel Lee
My dream.
My dream is to see the youth of Malaysia come to Christ and also for YM to be a place where we are not afraid to exercise our faith through our spiritual gifts and as well as YM being a place where we can express our gifts and talents to be a blessing.
Collective from the speakers:
I think out of the many revelations, inspirational and deep things the speaker said, that one thing stood out to me would be just do things to show love.
I think one of the prominent example was from Shaun Bolz sharing where he just steps out in faith with the word of knowledge just to show the power and love of God for another individual.
He shared about he going up to he homeless guy and just showing Gods love by giving him a word of knowledge and prophecy or buying something simple for him.
I was asking myself how do I come a place to love like that. I think that's one of the things that hit me the biggest to actually start to reach my dream. Cause I think love in its simplicity it's also powerful.
My action plan.
I think my action plan is to start to show love with immediate people who I work close with especially my CG Leaders. To show the simple love and exercise my faith and spiritual gifts with them and to constantly keep them exposed to the things of what God is doing.
Keep praying and interceding for what God has burdened in my heart for and to share this burden with others and also that God might impressed that same heart for the youths with more friends.
Joanna Grace Dorai
My dream was to see revival in my lifetime.
During the conference God challenged my heart with this question: Will you pray for a nation even if it has got nothing to do with you. That's when I felt the dream expand- to rally youths to pray towards revival and a great harvest in Malaysia into Asia. I honestly don't know what to do with it at the moment, I am still quite overwhelmed by it.
From collective speakers:
Enter the sacrifice of those at the birth of revival, set your face to understand the battle over your nation.
Be kind.
Become a resting place of Gods glory.
Dreams are invitations into the impossible.
Expand your vision.
Disciple nations. Transform by bringing the good news to the poor through the demonstration of power.
Look upon who God is. Give him all he deserves, including the pain. Redefine our pain with praise.
Honour and celebrate people.
Everyone bears the image of God. Celebrating people is celebrating the presence of God.
Quit living by the praises of men
If you don't live on the praises of men, you won't die by their criticism. Don't take offence.
Grow in the prophetic.
Practice. Don't be afraid to try. Risk. It's a thriving relationship and connection with God.
Remember you have an unlimited resource. Eternity: you can always add one number - the kind of world our perfect Father created. God knows what we need.
Be faithful in the little. Don't wait for success to show your seed.
1.Go on a negativity fast
2.Hear God for next steps for revival
3.Keep the prayer for revival on Thurs
4.Teach CG to hear God's voice
5.Create space for prayer leaders
6.Practice prophetic gifts
7.Treat everyone with honour
8. Start praying for nations
9.Dare to dream again
10.Trust God is my infinite resource
Benjamin Gan
My dream is to see YM come into that place where each and every member is responding and living out their dreams and lives according to God’s will. Also to see every member standing out where God has placed them as a catalyst for God stirring up a culture that leads up to influencing the entire environment and atmosphere – Setting up the God culture.
Bill Johnson:
I was inspired by his message and how he relates to God on a personal level. His message and illustration on how a banker knows how to differentiate a counterfeit note is to be exposed to more original notes and not the other way instead. I picked up also that we are attracted to what we want to hear and we are drawn based on our own standards. So the only way to raise that is to actively, consciously be exposed to God. I also learned that we each have a role to play on earth and what better way to find that role in our Father in heaven for it is our parents that give us our identity, purpose, and destiny.
Lou Engle:
I picked up on his message about how we take dreams. That it we will not do anything if it is only a dream. But if we believe it is a promise from God we will work towards it. Aside from that, I am also inspired on how he responds to prayer that is not met, that he takes it to God again. It speaks to me a certain maturity that does not just leave unmet prayers but goes to the extent of understanding the Father’s heart behind it.
Shawn Bolz:
From Shawn I learned and received the conviction to translate God to a culture around us. That we each bear the culture of Christ in us and that we are capable of changing the environment around us. Not only that I was inspired by the illustration that he gave that we are like a landing strip that God uses so that others will have a touch from God!!
Ed Silvoso:
From Ed I was once again reminded of the basic foundation of evangelism of
1. Blessing others
2. Fellowship with them
3. Minister to their needs
4. Proclaiming the gospel to them.
Action plan:
I feel that I need to share and translate what I have learned from this conference to my leaders and members and that can only be done through God. I believe that God has called YM to be a generation that is set apart and will lead the generations to spark a revival throughout Malaysia!! On top of that on my personal journey, I am determined to fast more and approaching prayer with a different attitude.
Sean Joel
For the culture of YM to change from the Asian culture that we are in to a culture of love and honor. To see the love and honor displayed between the speakers in YM towards one another and to also see this love and honor displayed in CGs and in Zones. Another dream that I have would be for the occurrence of dreams to take place every prayer meeting and also in every service among the members. I believe that as each and every single one of us really fast and seek God, we will make our lives a landing strip for revelations to take place not just in YM or FGA, but in Malaysia and also Asia.
When Lou spoke on the book of Daniel and on fasting, my eyes were opened to the perspective that he has been looking at, a kingdom perspective. It showed me that as an individual, I have been looking at things at a very small scale. Lou really did make me change my perspective in revival, where it is not just for YM and FGA, but it is for the whole of Malaysia and also Asia. Another thing that I got from Lou's sharing is the lifestyle Daniel lived. Daniel wasn't getting ready for any situation because he was already ready with the lifestyle he was living. Kings changed but Daniel was always prepared in different seasons and that is something that really stood out to me, to be always ready no matter the season we are in. Another thing that opened my eyes from Lou's sharing is the role we play in the move of revival. Our role in revival is to stand in the courtroom of heaven and hear what the Lord is decreeing and we need to declare those decrees into Malaysia.
What I got from Bill was the direction in which we are suppose to pray, from heaven to earth. One thing that Bill said was the "None of me, all of You" where God wants to work with us and through us and that we were designed to host the presence of God on earth. It is like we are the window and the light is the glorious works of the Lord. Another thing that I got from Bill's sharing is the power in the simple act of kindness, where kindness can change not just a person but a whole atmosphere and that we have the ability to not just affect, but to change the atmosphere. One thing that has stuck with me throughout was the analogy of the dove on our shoulder, that God's presence represented the dove on our shoulder, where every thing we do and every move we make is with the dove in mind.
Ed showed me the type of Christian I am in my workplace. He showed how involvement in the Marketplace is very important and how transformation in the marketplace leads to a transformation in the nations. Few things that I got from Ed is that we are not just called to disciple people, but that we are called to disciple nations, which is a pretty big thing la. Next is that the heart of a nation is the marketplace and if we want to change nations, that is where we are going to begin. So from Ed's sessions, I now understand the importance of being in the marketplace and how it is the people in the marketplace who are going to be the ones that we be standing in the front line operating in the power of the Spirit and transforming the marketplace of Malaysia. One more thing that Ed touched on is the engine for ministry and that is families. He showed how important it is for a family to be connected to God.
For Heidi, all I can say is that she is somebody who just has Faith. If it's anything, her whole life is the resemblance of Faith in works of an individual that just loves the Lord with all her heart. To hear her stories and her life experiences was an honor because it showed me how God can use one person to change a whole state. It also showed me how it looked like when the Love of God flows through an individual to other individuals. She knew what it meant to be a laid down lover for God.
Shawn said that it takes a relational interaction to have faith to ask God what He is doing. When we have a relationship with the Lord, we understand the government of God, and the more we understand the government of God, the more we will love the world. This got me thinking, "Do I really love the world?" Another thing that I got from Shawn is about culture, how Jesus took time to understand culture and shaped culture by looking at it differently through the eyes of love. He also showed me how love is the foundation of prophesy.
Looking back at the conference, the lives of these individuals have touched my heart and it was a great joy to be sitting in the room with these people, receiving the impartation that these people had for us. These people have shown me how I am to view revival and that the role I play is such an important role in the kingdom of God.
Action Plan:
I feel very strongly to share what I got with my leaders and I would like to encourage my leaders to fast and pray along with me. Another step I would like to take is to get my members to fast alongside with us and to really pray down the dreams and the decree of heaven onto Malaysia. For my zone, I feel that the direction has to change from a YM perspective to a Nation perspective especially in terms of my communication with them. I am going to challenge my zone to fast and seek the Lord because I want to see revelations taking place not just in YM, but in Malaysia.
Ian Lai
My dream
The dream held deep within my heart of hearts is simple. Is it to be a missionary in Japan. To evangelise the whole of Japan. To teach and preach the gospel in Japan. To bring the nation to her knees before the One True Savior. To build up the Japanese bride for the returning King. That has been my dream since 2014. In essence, the dream is to do long-term mission work among the largest unreached people group of the world—Japan. I have not so much a vision but more of something I imagined. In Revelation 21, when the nations enter new Jerusalem and give their honour and glory to God, I see it as a procession of nations like the Olympic games. As each nation walks in, they give their glory and honour to him. But right now the nation of Japan is under-represented. My dream is to make sure that the nation of Japan is accounted for in eternity.
And I believe that when God releases the full measure of revival, there will be a revival of worldwide missions in YM & FGA. The prophecy is that our leaves will bring healing to the nations. How else will we bring healing to the nations except being be sent out across Asia and the world to claim nations for the glorious gospel?
Revelation from the speakers
To be frank, before the conference I was doubting if my dream was real. If it was really from God. Or if I was misled and everything was just my imagination. My dream was at the brink of death. Now two statements from KI brought my dream back to life. The first was from Heidi Baker. She said something along the lines of "God is most interested in your dreams, especially if it's about an unreached people group. I'm just throwing in my own theology". What a powerful passing statement. Wow. It made so much sense. Why would anyone in their right mind think about the eternity of a group of people that has a totally different culture and language from you? If you have dreams for an unreached people group, it has to come from God. I never saw it that way. The second was from Bill Johnson. He said "God is more interested in your dreams than you are". God cares about my dream more than I do? It made so much sense. Of course he would. What more if that dream came from him? He took my shattered dream and put it back together again. And now my convictions are stronger than ever.
Next steps
I will scout out my mission field at the end of the year. I'm planning for a trip to Japan for a month and to stay with a missionary there and to help her out for the time being. At the same time, I will prepare the seedbed for missions in YM. Helping others to discern their calling, especially those with a calling for unreached people groups. I will also begin praying for my people group.
"God, give me Japan "
Basil Cha
My dream:
My dream is to see Malaysia turn to Christ and be internationally recognised as a Christian nation.
I had this picture sometime during one of the altar calls. It was the Malaysian flag and the crescent that represented Islam faded away and in its place the cross took it’s place. I've always had a thought of Malaysia becoming a Christian nation. But in that moment I received a CALL to it. A call to fast and pray and be radical for this one thing. It didn't just come as a picture but it came as fire and burden. My heart has been aching ever since.
Our flag is called the Stripes of Glory.
This call is toward the revival of Malaysia and the restoration of its GLORY. The word that came was that the crescent moon is fading away as the sun is beginning to rise, revealing the cross and the empty grave. It is through Jesus' stripes of glory that the revival of Malaysia's stripes of glory will take place.
Revelation from the speakers:
Lou Engle: His analogy of eagles and wild geese who fly in the second heaven was really powerful and when we dream, we dream from being able to see from that spiritual reality and the same as when we pray.
Something else he said was that we’re not just having prayer meetings for prayer requests, but to hear the secrets of heaven and DECREE it on earth. Prophecy must be worked into.
Another thing was the way he viewed the Trump issue and the whole feminist movement. We must stop assuming that darkness has hold but look for opportunity to bring the kingdom to earth. We need to learn not to complain but view things from a heavenly perspective. Study the narrative, everything has its place and purpose.
Lou began his ministry with a prayer, “How can I turn America back to God?” How can I turn Malaysia back to God?
Dominion comes from the cross/dying. Do you love your nation to die for it?
Lou also prayed about the restoration and release of dreams. And I feel this is something we need to bring out in YM. It has always made my heart ache to see many of our members today without ambition or dreams. They just go with the flow and lack any sort of hunger. It’s part of my burden to raise and pray youths up to be people that change culture.
Our hunger determines how our spirit man responds in our sleep was something else he said. I’ve always wanted dreams and have been asking God for it for a long time. I was expecting it to come sometime through the conference but it didn’t. Sometime in the week after KI, I have a dream about a war and something significant that happened was that we traded our guns for arrows. And God gave me the verse about how children/youth ares like arrows in the hands of a warrior. (Psalm 127:4)
Bill Johnson: I love how he doesn’t second guess God and reduce His power to doctrines or excuses. You see it when he talks about how God is good, how that believe never wavers even when situations don’t go well. Everything is God-focused. He was talking about discerning what’s real and counterfeit by knowing what’s real, to know the presence of God, instead of studying everything that’s false. And I think it’s powerful when we stop working from our problems but work towards Christlikeness and when we keep focused on God. And just the whole thing about hosting the presence and being constantly aware of Him was amazing. I think something that I can sometimes forget is that God’s presence is ALWAYS with me even when I don’t feel it. But once I recognise it then that’s where He begins to use me.
Heidi Baker: I think what’s amazing is her resemblance of a child. She’s the best example I’ve seen of childlike faith. I think what’s so inspiring is her full dependency on God. I was wondering how she has so much energy when the thought came that when you realise that ALL strength and life comes from God you can never lack it. And she’s realised it. I’m challenged to pay the costs of being a radical lover.
Ed Silvoso: I thought the Jesus’ 4-Step Strategy he shared was really cool. He’s such a smart man. Bless them, fellowship, minister and proclaim. Something that God has been putting on my heart is that we need to set our affection on people before we actually minister or try to preach to them. The sheep and the flies was a mind-blowing revelation.
Shawn Bolz: What he shared about the culture of honour and how we cannot have authority over what we don’t love. Something I learnt through him is that the foundation of prophecy is love. And it’s always about calling out God’s thoughts, potential and promise in a person straight from His heart.
All in all, I think these people have been a model for my faith. My prayer has always been since the first time I heard one of Bill’s sermons, “God, if you can do it in that person you can do it in me.” And I think to encourage some of you we shouldn’t look at them and say we could never be that anointed but we actually can and be more than that if we are persistent.
My action plan:
I don’t know how to move at the moment but I’m burdened to share the vision and raise up our youths to pray towards the nation. I think it’s already starting with any leader/member/Christian I have a proper conversation with and within my CG as well. Personally, I’ve began to fast.
Sek Teng
My dream:
Is to see YM growing to 10,000, living out the kingdom culture. That by living out the kingdom culture, where signs and wonders will be happen because we continuously hunger for God’s presence and wanting to host His presence, God will add the numbers to YM.
My take from the speakers:
Bill Johnson shared in his workshop that how something takes place and whether it flourishes is very much based on the environment/climate it is in. He shared how his church community built their culture on 4 pillars – God is Good, We are redeemed by Jesus’s blood, Nothing is impossible, . The reason they decided to work on building a kingdom culture was to sustain the present move of God. That really convicted me that, through consistently hosting God’s presence, constantly living out a kingdom culture will allow us to be daily exposed to the supernaturals of God.
Ed Silvoso’s sharing on how we being in the presence of God can bring about transformation to not just only ourselves but also the nation around us is another that I am inspired by. In flowing from both Bill and Ed, I’m very excited to see how the transformation within us because of the constant exposure to the Holy Spirit’s power can lead to supernatural transformation of the nations! It definitely changes the way of how I am going to approach praying for the nation.
The session and workshop with Shawn Bolz challenged me to grow in my hunger in hearing more of God’s voice, for myself and for the community around me. I was amazed at the measure of how God can use this ministry to encourage His children and also to reach out to those that don’t know Him yet.
My action plan:
Is to model living out the kingdom culture in YM and having more of that dependency on God’s presence. I am going to start this off by modelling it with my zone leaders, cg leaders and the members. I am going to start desiring more for my community that they will constantly be exposed to the supernaturals of God and because of that, they will know of His goodness. Also, I am inspired to start practicing more in the ministry of word of knowledge and desire to walk along with others in this.
That’s all from me.
Joshua Yee
My dream:
Is to see our church flourish in the culture of the Supernatural. That we see healing, signs and wonders take place and we will continue to be in awe of God's power. For us to live in a culture of heaven. And I see worship playing a very crucial part in this as well.
Lou Engle:
His first session message changed the way I view fasting and praying. I hope to never see fasting as a "cheating way to go on a diet". I understand so much more about fasting now. That it's not only the act of cutting down food or something desirable, but it's also the posture of your heart in receiving from God and seeking him earnestly like Daniel who postures himself in seeking God by kneeling three times, etc. That convicted me.
Bill Johnson:
His perspective of the goodness of God being the foundation of our relationship with Him is so simple but at the same time fresh. I love when he gave examples of how God has been good to him and his family. It wasn't always something BIG, but yet he always recognised that God is good because it is in his very nature. And I can begin to see how God has been good in my life as well.
Another part is when he shared about how the dove rested on Jesus during his baptism. He gave the illustration by putting his handkerchief on his shoulder that represented the dove. And he said everything Jesus did was in full conscious of the dove that was resting on his shoulder. How he moves his body was to not disturb the position of dove. That was a powerful illustration for me because it shows me:
1. How close God is to us.
2. That everything we do must be in full consciousness of God being with us.
3. Shawn Bolz
All his sessions inspired me. That too can become like him one day. I've always desired to move in the gift of the HS and in word of knowledge, but I've never really pursued it or want it bad enough. Until when he shared about the foundation of the Word of Knowledge that it is from love. That it has to come from a place of love. Short testimony: My partner for the activation activity was Wei Jian and we were practicing together. And I had a word of knowledge about his family and it was confirmed accurately by him. But what was different was that my heart was aching with him as I was sharing and later on hearing him share his story.
I am personally convicted to live a lifestyle of fasting and posturing my life before God to be used by him in greater measures. I would like to help cultivate a culture of the supernatural with the idea of worship in mind. I think when Bill Johnson started Bethel, he saw the relationship between worship and the supernatural. I think that is something that I desire to have a revelation from God and bring that to YM.
Anand Kumar
My dream:
I have specific burden to see revival in evangelism especially in families. I have a specific task to win families for Christ. To see families on fire for God, having family altar, and family restoration .
My burden to spread revival in families and seeing them coming to Christ and be on fire for Christ.
Heide Bakar:-
I was inspired of her life and how she moves in the Holy Spirit.
I desire to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit like her.
I witness to her message as the Asian bride we need to get out of our nest.
Her message in Isaiah 58 was really a new perspective of bringing the word with the highlight "Here I am". Never saw from that point of view God speaking to us "here I am" what do you want of me?
Her story was inspiring on how after 40 in the mission field she is still on fire for mission and wants to continue doing what she does.
Her story of being resilient towards all the obstacle and hurdle she had to face through by claiming " here I am" God is with her and causing her move on despite the many failure.
It resonates to me to pass this impartation of being resilient and positive minded. Instead of wallowing in self pity and taking so much time to recover from failures and discouragement and disappointment; she just move forward with God on her side.
I felt God was speaking to me that He is tangible and real in my life and I will see His dream in me coming to past as I continue to live that lifestyle that "He is with me". Door are already open for me to spread the revival of gospel and recent God has placed China in my heart and through China I will be spreading the revival fire to the nations.
Bill Johnson: I was amazed on his simple teaching and the culture of the supernatural which has been a norm for him and His church.
His message about hosting the presence of God is something resonate a lot to me.
God has been already speaking about prevailing in His presence in our pre service prayer and Thursday prayer. But the depth of his teaching on the presence of God in being kind and faithful was something I needed to hear to translate the presence of God into reality to those around us.
I desire that YM will grow to have a culture of expectIng and knowing that the supernatural is norm and is something we need to practice and believe in.
In my passion and dream of seeing revival in families ; the supernatural is something I would like to practice and live a lifestyle of making it a habit to put my faith in action in believing miracles in families and family situation.
I know many broken families in YM and I wish to believe miracle in all the broken situation our own YM families are going through.
Shawn Bolz:- i at inspired to see someone whose ministry is base of hearing God's voice. The workshop and session resonate the practice of HGV in our daily situation and for those around us.
My plan of action is to hunger for more to hear from God and make that a reality when I reach out to families and pray for those who don't know Christ.
Lou Engle: When God put the promise of Growth in my heart I need to be set apart for the promise God has given. Fast, be set apart, be focus until the purpose of God comes to pass.
Ed Silvoso: Have a large vision to see the nation transform. The nations matters to God.
My plan of action in YM is to disciple anyone who is hungry to have a deeper intimacy with God.
I'm looking for candidate to nurture and disciple them in their spiritual gifting. I have a passion to see another person practicing the faith of the supernatural and carries the fire of revival for the lost. I want to train on a one to one basis ppl with prophetic gifting to be the voice for YM and her members and the voice for the nations. I want to disciple ppl to prevail in prayer and have a lifestyle of hosting the presence of God so that they will be used powerfully.
I would like to cultivate the culture of faith in YM service to hear the voice of God and culture of signs and wonders in our prayer meeting and services.
Chung Wei Jian
- To see the youths in Malaysia experience God at a whole new level
- To see the youths in Malaysia be hungry for more of God
- For me to know our Father more. To know and experience more of His love and joy
- To be able to tour around Malaysia and have conferences
- To listen to God clearer
- Fasting changes us and prepares us to listen to God
- I like the story where Bill shared when he was lying down at the park and the fish ate the bee and how when we're happy, our Father is also happy.
- He's interested in our dreams too
- Dreams are an invitation to the realm of impossibilities
- Delayed promises builds our character
- We owe ppl an encounter with God
- I like Heidi's sessions.
Action Plan
- Start by encouraging our own YM members to come for Wednesday and/or Thursday prayer meetings
- Encouraging the members to get involved and serve in the various departments and their own CGs
- To be an example to the members, walk the talk.
- Get closer with God by reading and praying more.
- Be bolder, step out of my comfort zone.
- Go on a negativity fast.
Annabelle Ng
My Dream
- To see Despatch serve in the will they have been called to be which is to be the very people who bring God's presence closer to all who comes into service.
- For every one they greet, anyone they smile and usher in they will also usher in the presence of God into the hearts of each member that comes in for service
My take frm the speakers
- what caught my attention was how amazingly God has worked through them which can only come through walking closely with the Lord and spending alot of time in His presence
Lou Engle
1. Fasting makes your life a landing strip for revelation
Bill Johnson
1. Small acts of kindness is the manifest presence of God
Heidi Baker
1. Being obedient when God speaks
2. To step out of the nest that we have grown too big for
Ed Silvoso
1. To receive the anointing for the long run
Shawn Bolz
1. Prophecy as an act of showing God's love to people
- to spend more time in God's presence
- to be more obedient when God speaks
- be more intentional when fasting and praying
- never underestimate small acts of kindness and to take opportunity to do so
Rachel Koh
My Dream:-
1. I want to see heaven on earth. That every one especially the young people to live out the Kingdom cultures and values. That signs and wonders will become a normal thing and wherever we go and we can make an impact in and to our families, communities, schools, nations, etc.
2. I want to see every young people begin to step up and step out and step in to their gifting and calling. As they begin to rise up to their individually destiny, it will create a very powerful ripple and it will begin to impact the surrounding.
3. I want to see the Asian Eagles to begin to mount up their wings and begin to soar. Gospel will begin to spread from individual to family, to community, to nation, to cross cultural nation and to the ends of the earth.
My take from the speakers:-
1. Their heart and their lifestyle. They were living out the lifestyle before they were even preaching it. That’s speaks a lot of the anointing and the authority that they carry as they speaks the word. For it is not just a mere principles that they’ve learn but it is an encounter of a lifestyle with God.
2. The intimacy relationship that they have with God. They are always hungry and always want more from God. Everything that they do, they make sure it is what God say so. When they hear His voice, in obedience they will respond. That’s what I’ve been hearing from them. Through that they demonstrated the realness of God in their daily lives, that God can be that real.
3. The love and honour among themselves was very real and genuine. They affirm and appreciate one another and with that I see such harmony when they begin to move in their different gifting, I see oneness. As the oneness flow, I see that the power and the anointing of God just move mightily.
4. Their passion. They don’t easily give up. Despite challenges, they will persevere until God’s promises take place.
1. Setting a lifestyle where I am fully aware of His presence, of His values and cultures. For what we have become aware of, than we are set in a position to manifest His Presence, that will change and shift the atmosphere.
2. One of my greatest desires is to see His people rising up to their full measure of their potential and capacity, pursuing the destiny God has for them. I will walk along side with them, till the day that they will rise and soar, and that the gospel will be able to reach to the ends of the earth.
3. I will take the word of God seriously, by embracing the truth; we are releasing the truth and His presence to the earth.
Sarah Dorai
my dream
-to see the Lord present in the lives of believers of the media industry
-to see the message of love and the gospel spread through mass media
-to see girls rise up in bold and courageous faith, stepping up in all areas of their lives, finding their identity as daughters of christ and taking their position in the kingdom of god alongside their brothers
collective from speakers
-the lord gives us the key to revelations of heaven, strategies to establish the kingdom as well as keys to unlock the gates that has been shut through prayer and fasting
-the lord calls us to not just lay aside our own wills but to give all of ourselves, set apart for his kingdom to do His will, in whatever area that we are involved in, not just in the church context
-the lord has called us to love
my action plan
-to set myself apart in terms of lifestyle
-to serve in a larger capacity in church
-to fast&pray for the things that god has put in my heart and pray down the destiny of my life as well as of the girls of our time
-to live as a beacon of light for god in my workplace by showing love and kindness to even those whom i feel dont deserve it
-negativity fast