Call of God
Joshua Yee
27 MAR 2022
This is a faithful saying:
For if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him.
If we endure, we shall also reign with Him.
If we deny Him, He also will deny us.
If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.
Paul was in chains when he wrote to Timothy but he still stayed faithful to sharing the gospel despite his circumstances.
God’s desire for us is that we remain faithful to His calling till the end.
1. Faithful to God
It means continuing to do what we are called to do even though we “don’t feel like it”.
To be faithful to God’s calling is like a good solder, who is loyal, endures all things and fights.
To be faithful to God’s calling is like a competing athlete who is dedicated, discipline and pursues excellence.
To be faithful to God’s calling is like a hardworking farmer who is hardworking in sowing and patient in waiting for harvest.
Being faithful means having purpose and action in what we do.
2. God is Faithful
Even when we are faithless, God remains faithful to us.
Faithfulness is in God’s character. That means God cannot not be faithful because it is not who He is.
No matter what happens in life (ups and downs), we have the assurance that, at the end of the day, it has all been overcome because Jesus has won it all at the cross. We are not faithful for nothing but we are faithful because we know the outcome is always victory.
We can be faithful because God is faithful.
Our ability to be faithful does not come from our own self but it comes from God.
We rely on God’s faithfulness and His work on the cross.