Ho Sek Teng
24 APR 2022
We have to journey to encounter and discover the fresh wind that God is going to bring among us. To catch and hold on to it.
We are called to be strong in our preparation for this journey ahead.
1. Find Strength in the Lord
There is a certain strength that can only come from God.
This strength that God gives helps us discover, catch and hold on to the calling and fresh wind that He will pour out on us.
2. Wearing Our Armour of God
It is important to consistently put on all of the armour of God.
If we do not prepare ourselves, when troubles and difficulties come our way, we will find ourselves unable to use the armour to counter it.
Rely on the strength and the armour of God for our own strength and abilities are limited.
3. Praying in the Spirit All the Time
God is always on the move when we are praying.
Praying in understand allows those around us to understand and agree together in prayer. Praying in the Spirit helps us to engage the power of the Holy Spirit to break through our circumstances above our difficulties, understanding, fears and weaknesses.
As we pray in the Spirit, the power of the Holy Spirit strengthens our inner man
It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we can catch and hold on to the call that God has upon our lives.
By embracing God, we will find the strength to discover and walk in God’s calling for us.
By embracing God, we will find the strength to catch this fresh wind and hold on to it.
By embracing God, we will find God’s power that works in and through us.