Joshua Yee
04 JUL 2021
Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
• Be imitators of Christ
• God’s desire is that we become His disciples but not out of obligation or duty as Christians but out of love and gratitude of what Christ has done for us
1. Eliminate the old self
• Put away LYING
o When we lie, we are not imitating God but imitating Satan.
o We lie when we put on a mask and say that everything is alright in our lives when sometimes it’s not.
o It’s time that we be honest and truthful with one another, and be open to receive truth spoken into our lives.
• Don’t let anger turn into WRATH
o It is sin when we express our anger as wrath.
o When we don’t manage our anger properly, we create room for the devil to enter.
• STEAL no longer
o Stealing can also come in a form of not giving tithes and offering.
o We need to understand that everything we have today comes from God. We are mere stewards of the wealth given to us.
o When we give to God, we are trusting Him with what was given and we are able to see more of what Go can do through us and for us.
o We are most like God when we give because our God is a generous God.
2. Embrace Grace
• As we put away our old selves, we then need to put on Christ by embracing grace.
• How can a sinful being like us imitate a sinless God like Him?
o When we accept Christ into our hearts, we are accepting His invitation to follow Him.
o We can imitate Christ because we are God’s beloved children.
- Our identity changes from an orphan to a child of God when we accept Christ by the grace of God.
3. Express Love
• We can express the love of God by doing what Jesus did (DWJD).
• As we walk in love, we release the sweet aroma of Christ to those around us.
• Showing love is not just about doing the big things, it can also be through doing the small things in the quiet.
Personal revival begins with authentic discipleship. It begins when we become genuine before God, live according to His Word, and do what He did. Let’s put away our old selves that entangles us in sin and embrace the grace that God has given us so that we may live new lives for Him.