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Pr. Anand Kumar, Japheth Thiruchelvam, Gabriel Lee


06 JUN 2021

17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Ephesians 3:17-19

Discipleship Journey: A Personal Reflection

A sharing by Japheth Thiruchelvam

Discipleship is ultimately pointing people to Jesus. It is a life long journey that will push you out of your comfort zone, challenge you mentally and ultimately pursue Christ in every aspect of your life. Just like Japheth, you will learn to have a new perspective, accountability and seek counsel.

A sharing by Gabriel Lee

Discipleship points you to the right direction and grows you as a person. Throughout his journey, he has learned to be faithful at where God has placed him in. Journeying through discipleship has helped him figure out where God wants him to be and what God wants him to do, knowing His direction and purpose in his life. In the end, having been disciple, it helped him understand God’s calling in his life. Discipleship is a process of helping us become who God wants us to be.


1.  Goal of Discipleship

     • Goal of discipleship is to know the love of God

        o To know the love of Christ and all He did on the cross for us

     • End goal of discipleship is to be filled with the fullness of God

        o The fullness of God is all God has for us as His sons and daughters

        o We will only be fully understand the fullness of God when we arrive in heaven

        o This means being filled with the fullness of God is a process

        o Therefore discipleship is an ongoing process as we live on this earth.

2.  Discipleship is being strengthened

     • We are strengthened by building our faith so that Jesus can dwell in us

     • As Jesus dwells in us, our inner man will be transformed in the image of Christ

     • We need faith and faith comes by hearing and obeying the Word of God.

3.  Discipleship is being grounded in love

     • Love of God can be “understood with all the saints”

     • To grasp the fullness of God’s love, we have to be in a community.

     • Then we can understand “what is the width, and length and depth and height” of God’s love.


Let us challenge ourselves to commit to a personal discipleship. Find someone who can disciple us and help us discern the voice, will and purpose of God in our lives. That is what discipleship is meant to be. Let us also challenge ourselves to be part of a community. Be part of a CG. CG community is a place where we can share how God loves us and how we love God.



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