Pastor Anand
7 JAN 2018
But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord , I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. - Micah 7:7 (NIV)
This was a time when God's people were as sheep among the wolves. Princes were doing evil. Judges, like Pilate did, could declare in a breath that the accused was innocent and yet condemned. Treachery was found in every home.There was betrayal on every hand and there seemed to be no help for them in man. As a result the eye of faith turned to the Lord alone. They knew that God would not fail them.
Here are 3 ways to hope on:
1. A resolution of Faith - "I will look"
The word 'faith' means: expect, search, Seek, Hope, Watch, lean forward, observe.
Faith is important because without faith, there is no God
Why should we have faith?
Promises encourage us.
Experience teaches us.
The Lord commands us.
Looking comforts us.
We can start the journey of faith by writing the area of faith we want to work on.
2. A resolution of Patience - "I will wait"
The word 'wait' means: sticking around, tarry, trust.
Why should be wait?
God's time is best.
God's blessings are worth waiting for.
God will not disappoint us.
Wait doesn't mean do nothing, it means to actively engage God in our waiting, to actively seek and hear Him, and to trust God.
2. A resolution of Confidence - "My God will hear me"
Though few are really calling upon the Lord, what a joy to know that my God is near "my God will hear me."
He will hear me:
Though my cry is feeble.
Though my faith is weak.
Though my request is great.
Though others may dislike me.
When I am alone
This is why a community is important so that they can help us witness to what we heard.
We need to hear God by ourselves, not rely on others to do so.
What we do doesn't change our destiny, only God can do so.
Though few are really calling upon the Lord, what a joy to know that my God is near and that "My God will hear me". Wise resolutions will produce beneficial results in our personal life and in our relationship with God. Let's start looking for God in everything that we do as we embark on 2018!